First off My Medicated Cartoon Life, run by a blogger who identifies himself as "Bitter Animator", definitely deserves a mention. Combining art with autobiography and musings on the state of the animation industry, the blog is a melancholy and thoughtful look at the frankly lonesome profession that is animation.
The prolific Hyebin Lee has a very compact blog showcasing his animation and design work. Story artist Matt Jones covers not only his own work, but also the art of Ronald Searle and the caricaturist Gary.
Blogs run by character artists are amongst the animation weblogs that I most enjoy reading; some top examples include the blogs of Krystal Georgiou, Kei Phillips, Andrew Bent and Matt Partridge. QianqianLiu's blog provides an engaging mixture of characters and concept art; some more gorgeous concept art can be found at Kenneth Anderson's blog. Andy J. Latham's weblog has a heavy emphasis on life drawing and observational work; this is also a regular fixture at Wesley Lewis' blog.
And finally, Rachel Thorn combines samples of her art with thoughts on her career in the industry.
A set of stills from the famed 2004 advert From Abba to Zappa, directed by Smith & Foulkes for Nexus Productions to promote The Observer's music magazine.
And as a bonus here are some stills from another Nexus advert, titled Calf, promoting a football guide given away with The Guardian. The commercial was directed by Simon Henwood and drew no fewer than 85 complaints to Ofcom.
"Mama, what'll happen to me when I go to the golden pasture in the sky?"
"Well, your shoulders and your ribs will go to the nice, big supermarket..."
"...and your tongue and your legs to that lovely organic butcher."